1. Best thing about teaching?
Having those lessons where everything seems to work perfectly – students are engaged and asking questions about what we’re learning about, my explanations resonate with students so they feel confident about completing tasks and learning generally, and of course, having wonderful behaviour from students so I get to give out lots of praise and build a really positive classroom environment!
2. Best city you've ever visited/lived in?
I always have a soft spot for Vancouver, Canada as I lived out there as part of university degree as a year abroad – great memories, great people, great opportunities!
3. A song you listen to when happy/sad?
I don’t think I can mention go-to songs without mentioning My Chemical Romance. They’re still my favourite band a decade and a half later, so it’s got to be Kiss the Ring by My Chemical Romance.
4. Biggest education inspiration?
As with many other teachers, my biggest education inspiration came from my own teachers from when I was in school. Knowing the impact they had on my life and my future opportunities continues to give me the motivation to try and be that impact for someone else.
5. Describe your TTR shows in one word
6. Favourite TTR guest (on one of your shows)?
The audience! Comments and call-ins have been a fantastic way to hear from others on the ground and have genuine discussions around the issues I discuss in the show.
7. Favourite TTR episode (of yours) so far and why?
My episode around how to incorporate bullet journalling was a lot of fun, and hopefully introduced listeners to a new idea that could help a lot of teachers give themselves more agency in how to tackle their own towering to do lists!
8. Your teaching philosophy?
"It’s all about the basics". This means focused lessons, being a knowledgeable teacher (both of subject and of teaching), and working with students to get the best out of them so we can get them to where they want to go next.
9. Best bit of advice you ever got? Front-load your instructions
Time’s going to pass, one way or another. So don’t sweat the rough lessons, and don’t forget to enjoy the great moments while they’re there!
10. Your dream TTR guest?
My dream guest would have to be Samuel Strickland – I follow him on Twitter/X and I think he’d be a fun guest to talk about all things education (behaviour, leadership, work/life balance, staying in education, you name it!)