Current teaching position
Head of English and Head of Upper Sixth in a North Yorkshire boarding school. Governor of a North Yorkshire Church of England Primary School.
1. Best thing about teaching?
Introducing young minds to big ideas.
2. Best city you've ever visited/lived in?
Budapest, Hungary.
3. A song you listen to when happy/sad?
‘O Thou Who Camest From Above’, words: Samuel Wesley, tune: Hereford.
'This is the Day', The The.
4. Biggest education inspiration?
Sir Henry John Newbolt (1862-1938).
5. Describe your TTR shows in one sentence?
A space for exploring the creative, curious and charitable in education in good company.
6. Favourite TTR guest (on one of your shows)
Chris Berrow of ‘The Naked Gamer Podcast’, on the Computer Game Curriculum Late Late Show.
7. Favourite TTR episode (of yours) so far and why?
Episode on a Computer Game Curriculum, with Chris Berrow. What lasting lessons did we learn from our schoolboy gaming careers of the 1990s and what would the perfect computer game curriculum look like?
8. Your teaching philosophy?
I believe in the power of the Benedictine approach to the teaching of big ideas and daily routines: ‘Listen with the ear of the heart’, St Benedict of Nursia. We learn a lot from listening.
9. Best bit of advice you ever got?
‘What is written without effort is read without pleasure’, Samuel Johnson.
10. Dream guest on your TTR show?
William Blake (1757-1827). This might be quite challenging to set up.

- Christopher Vowles
Broadcasting from Yorkshire