1. Best thing about teaching?
Seeing people get better at stuff.
2. Best city you've ever visited/lived in?
3. A song you listen to when happy/sad?
Romeo & Juliet by Dire Straits for both.
4. Biggest education inspiration?
The guy that taught me to canoe - “Jester”.
5. Describe your TTR shows in one word
6. Favourite TTR guest (on one of your shows)
Dr Poppy Gibson
7. Favourite TTR episode (of yours) so far and why?
Talking to Christopher Such and Rob Randel about teaching reading. They’re both just so knowledgeable on the topic.
8. Your teaching philosophy?
Show them how to do it. Help them do it. Let them do it.
9. Best bit of advice you ever got?
Good enough is good enough.
10. Dream guest on your TTR show?
One of the Strictly professional dancers - they’re constantly teaching and learning. And I’d love some advice on taking negative feedback.
- Nathan Gynn
Broadcasting from Swansea